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My Journey: From Emigration to Opportunities

By Senad Kurtaj

Growing up as the son of Albanian immigrants who fled the country in the 1990s to seek refuge in Italy, I always knew that my parents had made great sacrifices to ensure that I received a good education and could pursue my passion for rugby. However, I felt there was more to life and longed for better opportunities. That's why I decided to leave Italy and move to London, England, for a brighter future.

Emigrating to a new country at any age can be daunting for young people still discovering their place in the world. My journey to London was no exception, and although it presented me with several challenges, it also unlocked a world of opportunities for me. I had to navigate a new culture, language barriers, and financial constraints.

Nevertheless, I was determined to succeed and improve my life.

One significant challenge I faced in London was finding a job that could support me. However, I soon discovered that the city was bustling with opportunities. I landed a job in the hospitality industry and used my earnings to pay for my education. I decided to pursue my education in architecture at Ravensbourne University London, and the level of education provided by the institution was exceptional. However, studying in England after my time in Italy presented some challenges. Adapting to a new culture, language, and academic system was daunting, and it took me some time to adjust. Despite these initial difficulties, I found the education system in England to be highly encouraging of independent thinking and creativity, which I found very stimulating. Studying in different countries has been an enriching experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to enhance my skills in such a diverse and dynamic academic environment.

Leaving my family and friends behind to study in London was challenging, but the city had much to offer regarding culture, history, and exploration opportunities. I spent much time visiting museums, galleries, and landmarks, which helped me connect with the city more profoundly. It also allowed me to meet new people and make new friends.

One organisation that has assisted me in connecting with people is ALSA. This organisation supports students and young professionals currently residing in the UK or planning to come to the UK. ALSA shares resources for students through social media and hosts educational events. These resources and events aim to help students in the UK who are applying to universities. ALSA offers panel events, blogs, and podcasts for those interested in entrepreneurship and starting businesses. ALSA is an incubator for its volunteers, providing them with training, exposure, and experience in various areas such as event organisation, marketing, and writing. Through this supportive community, ALSA helps the next generation to achieve their academic and career goals.

To sum things up, my journey from emigration to opportunities is a story of courage, determination, and resilience. Although I faced numerous challenges in London, my hard work and perseverance paid off. With the right mindset and attitude, achieving one's goals and creating a better life for oneself is possible. My story serves as evidence of this.

If you are currently on a complex or challenging journey or plan to embark on one, and are apprehensive about facing obstacles, remember to stay confident and determined. With perseverance and a positive attitude, you can overcome any challenges that come your way. So keep pushing forward and believe in yourself!

It is important to remember that each challenge you encounter is an opportunity in disguise. Don't be discouraged by temporary setbacks or obstacles, as they are often necessary for success.

It is crucial to maintain a receptive attitude and to capitalize on any opportunities that present themselves. Adopt a willingness to learn from your experiences and actively seek new knowledge and skills to help you surmount any obstacles you may face. Stay focused on your end goal, maintain a positive outlook, and keep moving forward.

Remember that success is not always easy, but with the right mindset and determination, you can achieve anything you want. If you need help along the way, don't hesitate to ask for it. The ALSA team is here to support you and help you overcome any obstacles that may come your way. So don't give up when things get tough; keep pushing forward, and success will inevitably follow.

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