Aims & Values
ALSA UK is a forward-thinking charity dedicated to empowering the next generation of young people. At the heart of our mission is the belief that every young person, regardless of their background, possesses innate ambition and robust potential. We are committed to harnessing this potential by equipping young people with the necessary skills to overcome barriers and reach their full potential.

Empowerment Through Education: To equip young people with the skills and knowledge needed to overcome barriers and achieve their potential.
Community Building: To use technology to create a supportive network of young people who can learn from and support each other.
Youth Leadership: To ensure young people are at the forefront of shaping the organization and its mission, reflecting the challenges they face.
Lived Experience: To leverage the real-life experiences of young people as a valuable tool for learning and development.
Empathy and Understanding: Recognizing the unique challenges faced by young migrants and others, and approaching them with empathy.
Innovation: Using innovative methods and technology to solve traditional problems of networking and skill development.
Community: Building a strong, supportive community where young people can find belonging and support.
Empowerment: Ensuring young people have the agency to shape their futures and the future of ALSA.
Diversity and Inclusion: Valuing the rich diversity of backgrounds and experiences young people bring to our community and seeing it as a strength.